f88 cá độ
  • f88 cá độ
f88 cá độ

标题名称:f88 cá độ时时彩National Futsal HDBank Cup to start in Nghệ An

National Futsal HDBank Cup to start in Nghệ AnNGHỆ AN - The National Futsal HDBank Cup will start ...


National Futsal HDBank Cup to start in Nghệ An

NGHỆ AN - The National Futsal HDBank Cup will start in Vinh City in the central province of Nghệ An today.

The tournament will feature  一0 teams and will be divided into two stages.

The first stage includes Cao Bằng, Sanna Khánh Hòa, Quảng Nam, Tân Hiệp Hưng and Thái Sơn Bắc. They will compete in a round-robin format to decide the best three teams that will progress to the second stage.

The second stage includes the three winners of the first stage and the top five teams from this year’s National Futsal HDBank Championships.

The winning team will receive VNĐ 二00 million (US$ 八, 八00), while the runner-up and third place will pocket VNĐ 一00 million ($ 四, 四00) and VNĐ 五0 million ($ 二, 二00), respectively.

National Futsal HDBank Cup to start in Nghệ An

The tournament is organised by the Voice of Việt Nam (VOV) and Việt Nam Football Federation (VFF), and sponsored by HD Bank. VNS